
How to choose the right SEO agency for your business

Choosing an SEO agency to enhance your visibility on search engines is a decision you must make correctly. The right SEO agency can conduct expert search engine optimisation to improve your visibility in search engine rankings, increase your website’s authority, improve traffic to your website and, ultimately, help you make more sales. If you choose

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Choosing an SEO agency to enhance your visibility on search engines is a decision you must make correctly.

The right SEO agency can conduct expert search engine optimisation to improve your visibility in search engine rankings, increase your website’s authority, improve traffic to your website and, ultimately, help you make more sales.

If you choose an SEO company that gets it wrong, your website could be damaged in the eyes of search engine results pages, costing you a lot of money for very little in return.

You’ll then have to find the right SEO company to fix these issues with a dedicated SEO campaign.

Depending on where you’re at with your business or website, you might need different SEO strategies and services than your competitors.

Newer websites might need help with the basics, for example.

Be it technical SEO set-up or fixes, citations or page content, established websites might need more advanced services from SEO agencies, such as organic link building, ongoing content support or even SEO support across international websites.

Here, we look through the key things to ask when choosing an SEO agency for your business.

Choosing The Right Seo Agency

Choosing an SEO agency with the right experience

When researching SEO companies, check what experience they have and the types of SEO services they offer.

Every SEO agency says they’re one of the best digital marketing companies around – but can they prove it?

The best SEO companies have an impressive number of clients, all with successful search engine results rankings at that moment, showing that they’re reliable and experienced in their search engine optimisation services.

If a company has a small number of clients, or very few case studies showing results, how can you be sure they’re the right SEO company for you?

Where does the SEO company rank in search?

Here’s a good thing to check with any potential SEO agency you might hire: where do they rank for SEO-related search terms?

This is their game after all, so surely they should rank highly on search engines?

If they can’t rank highly for an industry they know inside and out, how can you trust that they’ll understand you, your business, your customers and their search habits enough to rank?

Also, SEO as an industry is unbelievably competitive when it comes to search. So, if your SEO agency can rank for SEO terms, then they’ll be able to help you.

Time spent on your company

SEO is a long-term venture if you’re going to see real results and not a ranking report that looks like the outline of a decent rollercoaster.

But it takes a lot of work in the background to put all the technical SEO in place, as well as creating content and generating links. So, you want to know how long your SEO agency will be spending on your company to get you ranking.

Is your SEO campaign their main priority? Or, are you one of the clients that gets handed off to the juniors so they can “practice” the theory they’ve been learning?

Some of it will come down to price.

If you’re only spending a few hundred pounds a month on SEO services, then you’re not going to get the amount of work that you’d get by spending in the thousands.

Just the time it takes to properly research, write, optimise and promote a single blog that has any chance of ranking well can eat away at a £300-a-month budget for SEO services.

With SEO, you do get what you pay for. The more you pay, the more time your SEO agency will dedicate to your business.

Choosing The Right Seo Agency

Do you get a dedicated SEO account manager?

There’s a lot of moving parts when it comes to SEO strategies.

Permissions need to be given for website access, details passed for accurate tracking, changes to be made that need sign-off and content that needs to be agreed upon, researched, reviewed, written, edited and published.

Plus, your chosen SEO service provider must track the results of their digital marketing efforts – and that takes time too.

Without proper communication and a clear point of contact, you’ve got no chance of keeping up with what’s going on with your SEO efforts.

So does your SEO agency give you a dedicated SEO consultant? Or do you get random messages from everyone on the team? The best SEO agency for you will be one that gives you a dedicated member of their team to focus solely on you.

How much are you expected to get involved with search engine optimisation?

Although an SEO agency ultimately carries out the work, it’s still important for you to get involved to give yourself the best chance of high-ranking positions on search engine results pages.

And a good SEO agency will make sure you are involved.

Remember, an SEO agency on its own can only do so much without your inside knowledge of the benefits and outcomes of choosing your products or services.

This is all important information that you’ll need for your SEO copywriting.

Without it, by relying on your SEO partner to Google the competition and do what they’re doing, you’ll just end up sounding like everyone else.

And you won’t do any better than them either.

By offering expertise in your industry, you allow your chosen SEO company to tailor an SEO strategy that fits your business. This is why it’s important to choose an SEO company that wants to collaborate with you, not keep you in the dark.

Patience is key

Search engine positioning, though it seems simple, takes time.

For businesses to expect results in a matter of days or even weeks is extremely unrealistic.

For noticeability on search engines, it’s a matter of allowing your business’ website to settle and become noticed by people searching particular keywords that SEO agencies have embedded into your website content.

From there, it’s a case of seeing what works and what doesn’t, adjusting and carrying out a continuous relationship with your SEO company to make your website better.

Choosing Your Seo Agency

So, why Paramount Digital?

At Paramount Digital, we’re SEO professionals with years of experience in technical SEO, computing, content writing and graphic design.

Once we’ve had our initial calls and we know we’re going to be working together, you can either let us take on the running of your website’s SEO and content campaigns.

Or, you can use us for advice and do the actual ‘doing work’ yourself. We’ll just be on hand to offer SEO services with fixes and technical knowledge.

That doesn’t mean we’ll let you off the hook, though. We don’t just do things because you’ve asked us to.

You’re paying us for our knowledge more than anything else, so if we think you could be doing things a better way, we’ll say so.

After all, we don’t charge monthly retainers for our SEO services, which means we fight for every result, every month.

We can’t afford to mess around waiting to see if an experiment works with your website that we want to test. Everything we do is based on tried and tested techniques.

Oh, and then there’s the reporting. We’re data nerds at heart and we enjoy getting stuck into an SEO or website analytics report.

These will tell you exactly the results you’re seeing from your investment with us.

There’s also no fluff or excuses. Just black-and-white results and an explanation of what we’ve done to get there. And with no monthly retainer, you’re free to walk away whenever you want if you’re not happy with results on search engines.

We just don’t see many clients take that option.


  • Senior Content Executive

    Experienced Content Editor with a demonstrated history of working in the retail and sports industry, with plenty of experience of working in social media on the side. Skilled in content management systems, as well as social media. Strong content management professional with over 7 years of experience editing and writing content.

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2. Let’s get strategic

Once we know where you want to get to, we’ll put a plan in place to get you there. You’ll get a clear outline explaining all the costs and what results you can expect.

3. Let’s start growing your business

Once we’re all pointing in the right direction our expert team will get to work delivering what we’ve promised and getting you the best ROI possible.
