
How to Speed Up Your Shopify Website

Experts say that eCommerce loading speed makes all the difference for customers. A second-faster loading speed on a Shopify mobile webpage leads to a 27% increase in customer conversion rates. And it is a very competitive market. Customers expect the very best experience, so that factor encourages the site owner to avoid any platform fluff and focus

Speed Up Shopify

Experts say that eCommerce loading speed makes all the difference for customers. A second-faster loading speed on a Shopify mobile webpage leads to a 27% increase in customer conversion rates. And it is a very competitive market. Customers expect the very best experience, so that factor encourages the site owner to avoid any platform fluff and focus on creating speedy transactions. Indeed, almost half of customers expect a page to load in two seconds. There is any number of best practices; read on for tips that work.

To optimise your website to have the highest server response time, there are a few admin aspects to keep track of. 

  • Theme and coding structure
  • Image optimisation
  • Your conversion metrics
  • Search rankings
  • Check site speed

Then try looking at your site from a customer’s viewpoint to see if there are any features that are distracting or could slow the page down. There are apps and programs to analyse the metrics and do the work for you in optimising your Shopify store.

Why You Should Care About the Speed of Your Website

Not to put a negative spin on it, but not putting time and energy into site optimisation will ultimately cost you customers. Studies have shown click-through rates decrease an average of 4.42% with each extra second of load time. To rise above the noise, you need to focus on the features and programs that provide a high ROI.

In particular, look at the features that handle the site load speed.

Having a rapid way to browse your catalogue is essential in reducing consumer bounce. It is also vital to have a fast load, as page speed is a key factor in the metrics used by Google page rankings. A higher score will result in more customers, leading to higher profits.

The Best Tips to Speed Up Your Site

There are a number of tips and tricks to hitting the required page metrics. Here are some of the best you can apply now in order to streamline your website operations and speed up page loads to deliver the best experience for your customers.

· Why Is My Shopify Page So Slow?

In order to know how to speed up, first take a glance at the culprits which may cause the issue. These include having too many apps and plugins, complex Liquid coding, and overuse of images. Any one of these can put a load on the website and slow downloading. Liquid is Shopify’s templating language developed as a type of theme engine. The code builds the website for you and applies filters to sort the data.

· Migrate to a Better CDN

CDN stands for content delivery network. Using a basic CDN means you are sharing server load with other websites. The Shopify platform offers a world-class CDN run by Fastly. This ensures your online store loads quickly, no matter who is accessing it. You can check the CDN status on the Fastly status page

  • To start the migration, test if Fastly is available by issuing a local DNS override on your own machine through a host file override.
  • Then test the load balancing on your DNS provider.
  • You will also want to leverage domain sharding. It works by splitting your assets into a number of subdomains. Then migrate one subdomain over and see how it functions.

This is the more intentional approach that allows you to let the CDN run. Be sure to test it as much as possible before switching the entire site over.

· Use Compressed Images

Oversized images are one of the main offenders when it comes to speed delays. In addition to compressing the images, there are other steps you can take, like using Shopify’s tools and guides to restrict images.

Pro tips:

  • Use tools like JPEG mini or Kraken.io to compress images.
  • Use lazy loading to defer loading images that are not on screen. 
  • Export your images in the JPEG format for wide support.

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Optimise Use of Shopify Apps

The third-party apps found in the Shopify marketplace are made for installing site functionalities and making everything look top-tier. On the other hand, they make heavy use of custom JavaScript/CCS coding, which runs in the background and slows the loading process. Make sure you are only using first-party Shopify apps or those that are optimised for use in Shopify.

Implement AMP

You can go as far as implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages [AMP] apps on your site. Google made the AMP apps to allow instantaneous loading on mobile devices.

Why it matters: 

  • Browsing on mobile is a critical part of any consumer base. It has the added bonus of creating an index on Google for your site, which boosts search engine ranking. It creates successful optimisation without substantially altering the primary mobile web experience. 
  • An AMP consists of three basic parts. AMP HTML is a subset. The markup language uses custom properties but is easily converted for AMP structures. The next part is AMP JavaScript, which manages resource handling for the mobile site. 
  • Note that third-party JavaScript cannot be used with AMP. The last part is an optional AMP CDN, which caches pages automatically to handle loading.

Optimise the Loading

· Run a Performance Analysis

Take the guesswork out of speed and search engine optimisation. Find and run analytical tools like PageSpeed Insights or SpeedLab to find your metrics. You can do this for your mobile and desktop speeds. At a glance, it shows the site’s performance and provides you insight into what is working and what is not. These are tools for site management and strategy by tracking key performance issues. These plugins also have the added advantage of having the reports in one place.

· Use a Single Hero Image

A best practice is to place a single, high-quality “hero” image to capture the essence and character of the site at once. 

  • Having only one image for your products paints them in the same way. It is common practice to put sliders to display multiple images in the catalogue. In doing so, it adds extra weight to the behind-the-scenes structure of the site.
  • Statistically, only 1% of visitors click on a sliding image so it is not worth it. One good hero image can elevate and drive your traffic conversions. 
  • For a banner hero image, the ideal size is 1,600 x 500 pixels, while mobile images should be 800 x 1,200 pixels. Don’t forget to optimise it so it stays under 1MB.

· Make Sure Your Store Theme Is Fast

Having a custom store theme is fine, but for a quicker experience, it may be better to use a generic Shopify theme to minimise the load bearing on the server. The site’s speed is heavily based on the chosen store theme, so be sure to pick one that is fast. Also, ensure you frequently apply the updates.

· Reduce HTTP Requests

When a user visits a website, it creates an additional file request for the browser to process. That is known as HTTP requests. Most of the popular browsers allow about six parallel connections per domain. The connections add up rapidly and slow down the loading time. You can run tools like GiftOfSpeed to check how many total HTTPS requests your page makes. Try to reduce apps and other coding to cut down on it and limit sharing tools on your site.

· Eliminate Redirects and Broken Links

Also known as the dreaded 404 request. Hitting a 404 page can be a roadblock to the transaction, so avoid this as much as possible. In Shopify, you can apply 301-page redirects by the built-in function called “URL redirect.” Another way to find website errors is using the set of Google Webmaster Tools. The tools remove broken links from results and ensure that customers click directly. An SEO-friendly move is to make a 301 redirect. The 301 lets a search engine know that a page has moved, and migrates the SEO properties to the new redirect page. To put a 301 redirect in place, you need access to the .HTACCESS file on your website server.

Eliminate Pop-ups

This is a tip for good website management in general. Rarely do pop-ups add value to a customer’s visit, and it brings the experience to a screeching halt. The extra coding also adds time to the page loading, something you must avoid for better SEO rankings.

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Install a Lazy Loader

Lazy loading is when web pages load images only when the shopper needs to see them and delays other parts of the page until then. 

How it works:

  • Installing a Lazy Loader can help boost the speed and eliminate loads on the server for a smoother experience for the shopper.
  • By default, the coding for Lazy Load assumes that the URL of the original high-resolution image lies in the data-src attribute. 
  • You can also include an optional low-resolution placeholder in the src attribute.

Shopify Server Speeds

· What Is Online Store Speed?

Simply put, technology experts define the online store speed as the time it takes all the different web pages in your store to load when a user visits it, either on a computer or a mobile device. The faster it goes, the better experience it gives consumers. There are many factors as to why, but a slow speed will affect customer conversions.

· Are Shopify Servers Fast?

  • The Shopify servers are very robust and have a lightning-fast server response time. The top 10% have a benchmark of 228ms, and the lower-end are above 428ms.
  • Note there is no appreciable difference in server response time between the Shopify tiers. Page speed measures the time it takes the content on a URL to load. 
  • Site speed, on the other hand, represents how your site is performing overall. It’s scored by services like Google PageSpeed Insights for site load times in aggregate.

· Does Shopify Store Speed Matter?

Yes, it matters for all sides of the eCommerce site. Having a good experience makes or breaks a customer’s transaction. There are some factors that fall out of your control, such as the customer’s network or device setup. Focus on the factors you can control and make changes as necessary.

· Why Is My Shopify Store Speed So Slow?

To answer this question, you need to do a little digging. It could be that the custom theme you are using is inefficient. Or you have too many Shopify apps that are not adding value. Another possibility is that it is being held back by JQuery, a type of JavaScript library. It is in use by hundreds of thousands of websites but is outmoded and slows server response.

· How Do I Optimise My Shopify Store?

There have been many tips listed here about how to optimise your store. Another specific option is to prevent hacking and malware. Use good internet hygiene, such as 2FA. Avoid or prevent malware bots and fraudulent website visits by using protective apps and plugins.

· How Do I Speed Up My Shopify Optimisation?

One step is to organise your Tracking Code. These are things like tracking codes for Google Analytics, AdWords conversions, goals, and remarketing tags. Google Tag Manager is a tool to merge all those tracking coding into one location.

· What Is a Good Store Speed on Shopify?

  • The store speed indicates how fast a Shopify store loads a server request—when a consumer visits the page—to when it finishes the full page load. 
  • Google prioritises stores that load in under one second in the search rankings. Although a page loading speed in under three seconds is also a good time. 
  • You can show your speed in your site’s dashboard. Go to analytics, open reports, then run the online store speed which will give you the number.

How Do I Increase Page Speed on Shopify?

Server response time is based largely on the amount of detail that is present on a store website. To increase page speed on Shopify storefronts, drastically reduce amounts of details/fluff. This can be done by accessing your Shopify Admin and changing or eliminating themes and the number of images. Overusing images to spruce up your website or show a product from every angle is unnecessary.

How Do I Speed Up My Shopify Store?

Shopify stores use a type of code known as Liquid. Having a more complex set of Liquid code can slow it down. To effectively speed up your Shopify store, start using the Theme Inspector plugin to cut down on inefficiencies. After installation, you can run it and find out exactly what to cut out to speed things up.

Speed Things Up

· Minimise the Use of Fonts

Fonts are another natural feature of the Shopify platform. They come in different types such as system fonts or custom ones. If the shopper’s system does not have a custom font, then the server will send it over when it loads. Having a system font avoids that issue as they are pre-installed on the operating system.

· How Do I Fix My Website Speed on Shopify?

Merely by operating a Shopify site, your website speed has a leg up over other eCommerce sites due to its robust cloud servers matched to any device. There is always room for improvement, though, so it is necessary to take steps to fix website speed. 

How to:

  • One way is to leverage browser caching. Caching allows part of the catalogue such as images, JavaScript, and CSS to be stored locally in browsers. 
  • That capability prevents them from having to re-download content when visiting the same product so they can see your site’s content much faster than before. 
  • Just note that if you are seeing third-party resources get flagged for caching issues, there is nothing you can do to directly adjust them.
  • Another way to handle JavaScript is to set it up to load the code asynchronously.

· Do Apps Slow Down Shopify?

Yes, apps and plugins can slow down the site. Eliminate unnecessary ones to avoid chunky code. Some apps that you need can also slow down page speeds, so keep an eye on the speed and consider replacing the apps with a better one. Apps that modify your theme are especially prone to this as you add custom features. You can adjust it by disabling unused features or finding one that the developer has optimised.

· Why Is Shopify Running So Slow?

Your Shopify store may be running slow due to uncompressed images. This means when you upload them, the site includes the whole file structure and displays them at the maximum size. Compressing images and other files can change this and make server requests faster. Or, it could be a result of the aforementioned malware. Protect your website!

· Are Shopify Stores Slow?

Shopify stores are actually very speedy. With half a million storefronts out in the internet space, the engineers at Shopify keep the servers running hot to handle all the transactions and avoid any hint of slowness. The robust CDN network has a global reach, so it is certainly powerful. Expect a server response time of under three seconds.

· How Do I Increase My Shopify Speed?

By now you have seen what it takes to increase the speed of your website: avoid too many images, prevent custom coding, and use a basic theme. Other steps you can take involve a little bit of planning. When you get a new app, run it through a test server before putting it in the live system. This will show you how it reacts with the server request times. And use your dashboard tools or plugins to run speed audits.


Adjusting your themes and custom coding may be enough to speed up Shopify sites. But for harder Shopify obstacles, you can hire experts to eliminate any render-blocking JavaScript and CSS coding. The experts can also help minify HTML coding that delays server response times.

If you need help with tips and tricks on making your website the speediest eCommerce platform, contact us now.


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